
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

5 Great Outdoor Exercise Workouts

Outdoor workouts like hiking, biking, and in-line skating are great warm-weather options. Learn the best ways to exercise outdoors and get fit.

    Winter weather offers such exercise options as skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating to get you out of the gym. But after a few months of the cold, warm and sunny weather is a welcome arrival for exercise enthusiasts. When winter breaks and it's the first warm, sunny day of spring, break out of the gym and head outdoors for a workout.

Walk Your Way to Fitness

A regular walking workout can benefit your overall health. Find out why fitness walking is so important and how you can get started.

    If you’re like most people, you walk just under three miles every day in the course of your normal activities. Now it’s time to get a little more purposeful. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American College of Sports Medicine, and the Surgeon General all agree that at least 30 minutes of brisk physical exercise is good for your health, and walking is one of the easiest forms of exercise to get.

Pilates: A Mind-Body Exercise

Find out what Pilates fitness is all about and if it might be right for you.

    Pilates is a fitness workout that builds flexibility, strength, and endurance without adding muscle mass by focusing primarily on the abdominal, hip, and back muscles, called the body's "core" muscles. It was created more than 90 years ago by Joseph H. Pilates, a German athlete who devised his own exercise technique after studying yoga, Zen, and the physical training used by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Pilates was also a proponent of the mind-body connection and his exercises include focused breathing and mental concentration.

The Many Benefits of Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a mind-body exercise that started in China and can improve cardiovascular health, balance, and flexibility, no matter what your age or ability level.

   Tai chi, or "moving meditation," is a slow, graceful, and relaxed series of movements that combines aerobics, flexibility, balance, and weight-bearing exercise with deep breathing and meditation. Tai chi dates back to 12th century China and it is believed that the Taoist monk Chang San-Feng developed the practice as a martial art form. It is said that the movements were derived from observing a snake and a crane in battle. Chang San-Feng believed that these creatures were the ones most able to overcome a stronger opponent.

Strength Training Equipment: A User's Guide

Strength training is an important part of overall fitness. Find out about the benefits and learn how to design an effective strength-training program.

    You should be including strength training twice a week as part of your overall fitness routine. Research shows that strength exercises are safe for all ages and that strength training combined with aerobic exercise can improve your physical and mental health.