
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Treating Hair Loss with Natural Approaches

1. See your doctor
While you may seek a natural remedy to stop losing your hair, diagnosing the exact cause of your hair loss should be the first step. If nothing else, you should get a checkup to ensure that the hair loss isn’t a symptom of a more harmful disease or condition.

Identifying Causes of Hair Loss

1. Look into genetic factors
Hair loss (known as alopecia) can be based on genetic factors (male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness). These are both known as androgenic alopecia because both are dependent on levels of the hormone androgen, which is responsible for hair on the scalp, face, chest, underarms, and genital regions.

Treating Hair Loss in Women (Regrow)

1. Consult a doctor
As with hair loss in men, the most important first step is to consult a doctor. The earlier a woman seeks care, the sooner a doctor can administer the proper treatment, which is more likely to yield positive results and regrowth.

Treating Hair Loss in Men (Regrow)

1. Consult a doctor
Reasons for hair loss in the first place can vary. The classic issue of male pattern baldness is due to a testosterone derivative called dihydrotestosterone and the effect it has on hair follicles. Baldness due to a condition called alopecia areata comes from the body’s own immune system attacking hair follicles. In order to treat any specific case and potentially regrow hair, a doctor will first need to determine the cause of the hair loss.

How to Reduce Hair Dandruff

Hair dandruff may not be a life threatening condition, but the presence of an irritated and flaking scalp can be uncomfortable and bothersome. For this reason, people suffering with dandruff will often take steps to control the situation. There are a number of ways to go about reducing hair dandruff, including some strategies that involve using products that are already found around the house.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Treating Head Lice

1. Check to see if others in your area have lice
If you find out your child or student has lice, it's important to check to see if your family or other students have been infested. Let your family or classroom know about a possible lice infestation and urge them to get them checked.

Preventing Lice Around Your Home

1. Change and wash your bedding and clothes every week
Wash your bed linens and clothes in hot water that is at least 140°F (60°C) and dry them with heat as well. Heat is effective in killing lice and any eggs dropped from your head.

Preventing Lice in Public Spaces

1. Ensure belongings stay separate from each other
Whether you're a teacher at a school or working in an office with many others, it's important to keep your belongings separate from others. This decreases the likelihood head lice or any other pest or illness is spread through touching jackets, hats, or bags.

How to Prevent Head Lice

1. Avoid direct head-to-head contact
The common theory as to why children are more susceptible to head lice than adults is that children are less likely to respect personal space. They may also be exposed to situations where head-to-head contact is unavoidable like class nap times or sitting close together side-by-side at their desks. It's as simple as two kids touching heads while leaning over a colouring book. Try to leave space between you and others in order to prevent the spreading of head lice.

Understanding Your Hair Loss

1. Identify how you are losing your hair
You might have gradual thinning on the top of your head or circular or patchy bald spots. Does your hair come out in fistfuls? Are you losing hair on your head or all over your body? Do you have patches of scaling on your scalp? Noting your symptoms will help you diagnose what is causing your hair loss.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Fighting Hair Loss with Professional Treatments

1. Visit a doctor
If you are concerned about your hair loss, visit your doctor to discuss treatment options. There are a variety of alternatives, including medication, laser treatment, and surgery. Which option you pursue will depend on your budget, severity of hair loss, and available time.

Utilizing Natural Remedies for Hair Loss

1. Apply topical, crude onion juice
Applying onion juice to one’s scalp has been proven to treat patchy hair loss. The sulfur content in onions boosts collagen production and helps your hair to grow. Researchers believe onion flavonoids might have anti-inflammatory effects. Although you can purchase onion juice in the store, to make and use your own, follow these steps:

Preventing Further Hair Loss

1. Reduce stress
Having high stress levels can lead to particular types of hair loss. Try to stay relaxed. Practice meditation, talk walks, or do yoga. Consider writing in a journal to help sort through daily stresses. Hair loss from stress need not be permanent. If you can reduce your stress levels, your hair might regrow. The following types of hair loss result from excess stress:

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Trying Natural Remedies for Hair Loss

1. Add vinegar to the water you use to rinse your hair. 
Mix one tablespoon of white vinegar with three cups of water. Take a shower, shampooing your hair as normal. The vinegar can remove built-up minerals from hard water, as well increasing shine and body. When it is time to rinse the shampoo from your hair, use the water and vinegar mixture you created.

How to Prevent Hair Loss Due to Hard Water

"Hard" water is typically defined as water that has a high mineral content. While large amounts of calcium are often to blame for the development of hard water, high stores of copper and magnesium can also contribute to poor water quality. It should be noted that laboratory experiments have concluded that there was little appreciable difference in the tensile strength and elasticity of hairs after they were treated with hard and soft water. Anecdotally however, water with a high mineral content might make your hair feel drier and more brittle, which can contribute to hair loss. If this is your experience there are some steps you can take.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Hiding Baldness for Everyone

1. Volumize your hair
Flat hair will lay close to your scalp and will emphasize your bald spots because your hair will separate, and bald spots will shine through. Therefore, styling your hair to maximize volume will help your hair look thicker. Voluminous hair also appears more youthful.

Hiding Baldness for Women

1. Cut your hair in layers
Getting the right hair cut can make your hair look thicker and obscure thinning spots. It will be worth it to go to a hair stylist who will personalize your haircut to conceal your thinning hair and/or bald spots and will teach you how to style it. Ask your stylist to add layers to your hair instead of keeping it all one length. Layers create more volume and add fullness, which will hide thinning spots.

Hiding Baldness for Men

1. Find a good hair stylist
Getting the right hair cut can make your hair look thicker and obscure thinning spots. While barbers are a good option if you just want a short and simple cut, if you are balding, it will be worth it to go to a hair stylist. Although a stylist costs more, he or she will personalize your haircut to conceal your thinning hair and/or bald spots and will teach you how to style it.

Treating the Problem a Bald Spot

1. Conceal it or flaunt it
Most types of hair loss will reverse on their own once the underlying condition — such as infection, stress, medication, or hair-pulling — passes. In the meantime, the best alternative may be to conceal the bald spot(s) with styling or hair volume. Or, you can also just embrace the baldness and perhaps even accentuate it.

Diagnosing the Problem a Bald Spot

1. Determine your baldness pattern
Heredity is most often the cause of hair loss, although factors like stress, medications, hair mistreatment, and a range of others can play roles as well. If you want to deal with a bald spot, it is best to understand what is causing it first.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Using Medicinal Treatments For Dandruff

1. Use a zinc pyrithione shampoo
Zinc pyrithione is an antibacterial and anti-fungal agent, so it can reduce any bacterial or fungal infection on your scalp that may be causing your dandruff due to seborrheic dermatitis. The Malassezia furfur fungi is thought to be partially responsible for dandruff in some people. As such, buy some from your local grocery store or pharmacy and use it instead of your regular shampoo.

How to Get Rid of an Itchy Scalp

Sometimes, out of the blue, you may feel itching on your scalp. Maybe you changed shampoos, or conditioners, or maybe you didn't do anything at all, and your head just started itching. There are a few things that can cause this—such as dry skin, or product buildup—but it's easy to take care of, and we'll show you how to do it.

Seeking Support for Hair Loss

1. Talk to your family and loved ones about your hair loss. 
Hair loss is a common side effect of cancer related treatments and also can be hereditary and a part of aging. Hair loss can be painful for many. Talk to your family members and loved ones about your hair loss. Seeking emotional support from those closest to us is a great way to cope with a difficult situation.

Seeking Hair Loss Medical Treatment

1 Talk to a doctor
If you're worried about hair loss and looking for medical treatments, the first step is to talk to your physician to assess the possible cause.

How to Cope with Hair Loss

Hair loss is common problem for men and women. It can be caused by illnesses, oftentimes a response to cancer treatments, or a natural part of growing older. If you are going bald, there are multiple ways to cope with your hair loss.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Living with Hair Loss

1. Consider other options if you have already lost most of your hair or if other options don’t work. 
You don’t have to fight your hair loss. Though they have a certain stigma, there is nothing wrong with hiding your hair loss with a wig or hairpiece. And if that’s not for you, consider embracing your hair loss with a hairstyle that suits you.

Combating Hair Loss with Medication, Herbal Remedies, or Surgery

1. Use medical or herbal means to combat advanced hair loss
If your hair has already receded more than is to your liking, you may want to take more aggressive action than simply changing your hair care routine. Herbal remedies are an inexpensive place to start, while medications are more potent and surgery offers a quick, though expensive, fix.

How to Choose the Right Hair Loss Option

If your hair is thinning or receding, there are a variety of steps you can take to fight it. You can start by eliminating any potential medical causes and making simple changes to your hair care regimen. If you’re still losing hair, you can try supplements or drugs like Rogaine or Propecia. Still losing hair? You can choose a surgical option, disguise your hair loss with wigs or hairpieces, or embrace it with a hairstyle suited to the follicly challenged.

How to Care for a Hair Transplant

A hair transplant is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic surgery procedures for men. If performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, the results are usually quite pleasing aesthetically. However, taking good care of transplanted hair in the initial few days is very important for the hair growth. You must take care not to damage the hair roots in any way during this healing phase of hair transplant, or the hairs will not grow. The following suggestions will show you how to take appropriate care of your hair transplant during this critical period.

Enhancing Your Look When Bald

1. Invest in a quality wig or toupee
Losing your hair can be an emotional as well as physical loss, particularly if going bald is related to an illness. You can feel better and increase your confidence if you find yourself a great wig. Wigs come in all imaginable styles and colors. Before selecting your wig, spend some time flipping through fashion magazines to find a style you like. A quality wig is important because it will look more natural and also require less care. Choose a style that you are comfortable maintaining.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

How to Be Confident When Bald

1. Compliment yourself
Focus on your positive traits. Did you do well on a big project at work? Congratulate yourself! Can you see results since you started going to the gym? Mental high-five! Each day, try to think of at least one thing that you like about yourself. This will become a habit, and will have a great impact on your self-esteem. Soon, you'll even feel more confident about being bald!

Embracing Your Baldness

1. Identify the cause of your baldness
The first step to making peace with your baldness is to understand the reasons behind your hair loss. Everyone sheds hair each day (some of us more than others), but it is not significant enough to actually be classified as hair loss. The exact cause of hair loss usually relates to one of four factors: genetics (family history), hormonal changes, a medical condition, medication side effect. If you are suffering from significant hair loss, but you don't know the cause, you will definitely want to find out. Ask your doctor to help you figure out the reason, and you'll be better equipped to embrace your baldness.

Using Essential Oils to Treat Hair Loss

1. Treat hair loss with essential oils
Essential oils are distilled from leaves, stems, flowers, bark, roots, or other elements of plants or herbs. They're often added to neutral, or "carrier" oils such as jojoba, grapeseed, almond or olive oil. Essential oils can help circulation, cleanse the scalp to encourage follicle growth.

Making Herbal Tea to Stimulate Hair Growth

1. Gather herbs for your tonic
You may find many fresh herbs growing in your garden, in the wild, or in the produce section of your local natural foods store. Dried herbs can be found in the bulk department of many groceries as well. Particular herbs have been shown to benefit people with thinning hair or hair loss.

Seeking Medical Help for Hair Loss

1. Know when to visit the doctor
It's important to know when your hair loss could be a symptom of a more serious medical complaint, in which case you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Contact a doctor if you are losing hair in an unusual pattern, or rapidly at an early age, such as in your teen or twenties. Other symptoms to look out for are:

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Eating Right for Healthy Hair

1. Have a healthy balanced diet
Nutritional responses to preventing hair loss are simple common sense approaches to keeping you, your hair, and your scalp healthy. A healthy body is more likely to have healthy hair than an unhealthy one. It is possible that hair loss can be slowed by a healthy diet filled with vegetables and fruits. There are some vitamins and minerals that can be especially helpful in promoting healthy hair and thus preventing hair loss.

Caring Actively for your Hair

1. Wash hair regularly with mild shampoo. 
Hair washing help prevent hair loss as it can keep your hair and scalp clean (preventing the chances of infections that might cause hair loss). Provided you use a mild shampoo, clean hair will give the impression of more volume than dirty hair, which tends to sit flatter and more parted than clean hair.

Avoiding Damaging your Hair

1. Limit your use of hair dryers
Heat weakens hair proteins. Constant heating and drying can lead to brittleness and fragility that can cause hair loss that would not have occurred otherwise. Natural drying is best for you hair, so aim to dry it naturally more often than drying it with heat.

Using Natural Remedies for Hair Loss

1. Try onion juice
Although more scientific studies are needed, onion juice may promote hair growth in patients who suffer from alopecia areata. According to a small study of 23 participants, applying crude onion juice to the scalp twice a day promoted hair regrowth within six weeks in 20 participants.

Improving Your Hair Health

1. Eat hair-loss fighting power foods
Nutritional imbalances are often the cause for hair loss. Poor diet can lead to macronutrient (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and micronutrient (vitamins and minerals) deficiencies which in turn can make your body unhealthy and cause hair loss. To support the health of your hair and your overall well-being, add some or all of the foods listed below to your diet:

Monday, January 18, 2016

Exploring Treatment Options for Hair Loss

1. Understand how male pattern baldness works
Although androgenic alopecia is linked with the presence of male sex hormones (androgens), its exact cause is unknown.

Taking Aggressive Action Against Baldness

1. Shop for a hairpiece
If your baldness is more advanced, or you just feel more self-conscious about it, one option to consider is a hairpiece, sometimes called a toupee. Don’t write toupees off as a joke. A cheap toupee can look terrible, it is true, but a customized hairpiece is worth the money.

Hiding a Receding Hairline

1. Get a strategic haircut
If you are still adjusting to new hair loss, you might be able to subtly conceal it with the right haircut. Talk to your barber or stylist and ask for their opinion. Keep in mind that this is not a long-term solution, and that the wrong hairdo can emphasize rather than hide hair loss.

Embracing Your Baldness

1. Try to come to terms with your loss
Many (probably all) men panic when they first see a thinning patch in their hair. Hair symbolizes vitality, sex appeal, and youth. Men fear going bald because they fear that they are losing these things. However, the truth is that it’s all in the mind. Reconciling yourself to less hair, and being proud of your baldness, could make you happier in the end.

Using Medical Treatments for Hair Loss

1. See your doctor
If you have experienced hair loss, it’s important to see your doctor to find a cause. You may have an underlying disease that’s causing your hair loss, and this may require treatment for you to regrow your hair.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

How to Regrow Hair After Hair Loss (Women)

Promoting Regrowth at Home

1. Practice good hair care
In some cases, poor hair care can cause hair loss or prevent regrowth. Using good and healthy hair care habits can help you regrow your hair.

Stimulating Hair Growth in Woman

1. Wash your hair regularly and gently
Clean your hair and scalp regularly and in a gentle manner with shampoo and conditioner. This can help you not only regrow your hair, but prevent damage that may cause further hair loss or impeded growth.

How to Deal With Baldness in Women

Using Different Styling Options

1. Wear a wig or hairpiece
If you are very distressed by your hair loss, consider wearing a wig or hairpiece. This may make you feel more comfortable in public or around friends and family members.

Coping with Hair Loss in Women

1. See your doctor
If you have experienced hair loss or are currently going bald, it’s important to see your doctor to find a cause. It may be a product of cancer treatments or alopecia, or you may have an underlying disease that’s causing your hair loss.

Coping With the Feelings Surrounding Female Pattern Hair Loss

1. Give yourself permission to feel bad and grieve for your hair. Losing your hair will naturally be traumatic for almost any woman. The key is to feel bad for awhile but then to do something proactive about your problem.