
Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Health Benefits, and Risks, of Alcohol

Moderate consumption may help the heart, but perils also exist.

    A lot of recent research has highlighted the potentially beneficial effects on the heart and other parts of the body of drinking wine and other alcoholic beverages. But risks to health exist, too, as well as the more well-known and potentially life-threatening effects of alcohol, including drunken driving and addiction.

How to Get Better Sleep

Staying healthy and getting a good night's sleep go hand-in-hand, but just getting more sleep isn't enough. Find out how to get the best quality sleep you can.

Sleep isn't an indulgence. Your body needs sleep, and plenty of it. But in a hectic world where you're already pressed for time, getting plenty of high-quality sleep can be a bit of a challenge.

7 Ways to Zap Stress Before it Strikes

Certain everyday situations have huge potential for causing stress. But by being organized and easing up on self-imposed time pressures, you can dodge these situations and skip the stress.

    Sometimes, stressful situations occur because we let them - once you allow stress get to you, tension and anxiety can mount very quickly. Here are some common anxiety-creating everyday events, and ways you can reduce stress and minimize their impact on your life:

Tips for Managing Stress

Stress reduction is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, just like diet and exercise. These tips will help you keep your stress levels under control.

    When you're stressed, your head may start to hurt, or you may feel nauseous, dizzy, or just plain overwhelmed. Stress can have a huge impact on every aspect of your life, so stress reduction is necessary for maintaining both your physical and emotional health. Since you can't simply wish stress away, managing stress is a vital skill to develop.

The Power of Love Includes Stress Relief

Calling Cupid: Love has a particularly welcome role in stress relief. Loving relationships can help relieve stress and boost your overall health. Find out how to reap the rewards.

    Love does wonderful things for your state of mind, and it also offers natural stress relief. In healthy relationships, the power of love is strong enough to keep your heart happy and your mind and body healthy.