
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Enhancing Your Look When Bald

1. Invest in a quality wig or toupee
Losing your hair can be an emotional as well as physical loss, particularly if going bald is related to an illness. You can feel better and increase your confidence if you find yourself a great wig. Wigs come in all imaginable styles and colors. Before selecting your wig, spend some time flipping through fashion magazines to find a style you like. A quality wig is important because it will look more natural and also require less care. Choose a style that you are comfortable maintaining.
  • To find the right wig or toupee for you, ask for advice. Before you start shopping, ask a friend if they have any advice on where to go. Another great resource is your hairstylist--ask her opinion!
  • Consider choosing two wigs--one for everyday use and one that is just for fun. Put on the fun wig (which could be a funky color, for example) when you need to feel happy and need an instant mood boost.
2. Find some new accessories
If you don't want to wear a wig, there are still many ways that you can temporarily cover your baldness. As you gain confidence in your baldness, you'll probably need fewer of these options. Even if you choose a wig for work, you will want something more comfortable to wear at other times. There are many great options, such as hats, scarves, and turbans. The most important things are to make sure you find one with a proper fit (measure your head) and one that is comfortable. After you've checked those boxes, feel free to jazz it up and have fun! Treat hat and scarf shopping the same way you would treat shopping for any other clothing item--as a way to show off your style and reflect your personality. Choose some items that make you look great--that's an excellent confidence booster.

3. Care for your skin
Maybe you want to cover your baldness, maybe you don't. Either way, taking excellent care of your skin is going to make you look and feel better. Most people don't realized that when your head is shaved, you still need to use shampoo and conditioner. There are lots of nearly invisible hairs on your head that still need to be cleaned. You will also want to make sure to use plenty of sunscreen, everyday. Keeping it moisturized is also really important. Treat the skin on top of your head as respectfully as you treat the rest of your skin. You'll look better, be healthier, and your attitude will reflect that.

4. Consider replacement therapy
Hair replacement therapies such as grafts and transplants are a more permanent solution if you really don't want to remain bald. However, they are not for everyone. The most common candidates for replacement therapy are men or women who are genetically disposed to pattern-baldness and people who have lost some of their hair as the result of an injury (such as burns). If you think this might be for you, you will want to consult a doctor to get more information and to better understand the procedure.
  • Do your research. You want to find a dermatological surgeon with an excellent reputation. Make sure to ask questions about the procedure itself, recovery time, and potential side effects.
  • Use other methods to feel more confident. Remember--bald is beautiful.
5. Use make-up
There are many products you can use if you are dealing with some smaller patches of baldness. One product is a firm powder which you can put on your head to reduce the appearance of baldness. It also coats your hair to make it appear fuller.

6. Get rid of thinning hair
Many men and women suffer from thinning hair, for a variety of reasons. The common reaction is to hang on as tightly as possible to what little hair you have left. However, you will feel more confident if you take matters into your own hands and just get rid of thinning hair. Going bald is usually more attractive than other methods. In other words, skip the comb over.

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